Sunday, July 12, 2009

Quote from A Course in Miracles Text Chapter 13 - THE GUILTLESS WORLD.

T-13.IV.3. Under the circumstances, would it not be more desirable to have been wrong, even apart from the fact that you were wrong? 2 While it could perhaps be argued that death suggests there was life, no one would claim that it proves there is life. 3 Even the past life that death might indicate, could only have been futile if it must come to this, and needs this to prove that it was at all. 4 You question Heaven, but you do not question this. 5 Yet you could heal and be healed if you did question it. 6 And even though you know not Heaven, might it not be more desirable than death? 7 You have been as selective in your questioning as in your perception. 8 An open mind is more honest than this.

1 comment:

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    a course in miracles
